Interlink September 2014 - page 19

EnMS and EMS are a set of processes and practices that enable an
organization to reduce its energy/environmental impacts and increase
its operating efficiency.
EnMS/EMS are a framework that helps a company achieve its
energy/environmental goals through consistent control of its opera-
tions. The assumption is that this increased control will improve the
environmental performance of the company. The EnMS/EMS itself
does not dictate a level of environmental performance that must be
achieved; each company's EMS is tailored to the company's business
and goals.EnMS/ EMS helps a company address its regulatory
demands in a systematic and cost-effective manner. This proactive
approach can help reduce the risk of non-compliance and improve
health and safety practices for employees and the public.EnMS/ EMS
can also help address non-regulated issues, such as energy conser-
vation, and can promote stronger operational control and employee
What is an EnMS/EMS?
Energy Management (EnMS)-ISO 50001 &
Environment Management Systems (EMS)-
EnMS and EMS
are a set of
processes and
practices that
enable an
organization to
reduce its
ntal impacts and
increase its
Basic Elements of an EMS& EnMS:
Reviewing the company's environmental and energy goals
Analyzing its environmental impacts / legal requirements /energy audits
Setting energy/environmental objectives and targets to reduce energy/environmental impacts
and comply with legal requirements
Establishing programs to meet these objectives and targets
Monitoring and measuring progress in achieving the objectives
Ensuring employees' environmental awareness and competence
Reviewing progress of the EnMS/EMS and making improvements
EnMS & EMS Under ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 respectively
EnMS/ EMS encourages a company to continuously improve its energy/environmental
performance. The company first commits to an energy/environmental policy, then uses its policy
as a basis for establishing a plan, which sets objectives and targets for improving environmental
performance. The next step is implementation. After that, the company evaluates its
energy/environmental performance to see whether the objectives and targets are being met. If
targets are not being met, corrective action is taken. The results of this evaluation are then
reviewed by top management to see if the EnMS/EMS is working. Management revisits the
energy/environmental policy and sets new targets in a revised plan. The company then
implements the revised plan. The cycle repeats, and continuous improvement occurs.
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